Traditional Braces and Invisalign
Traditional braces from Dental Associates Braces can correct crooked and crowded teeth, a misaligned bite, and jaw problems. Braces also eliminate problems you may have with eating, speaking properly, or with keeping your teeth clean. Invisalign is a type of orthodontic treatment that helps to straighten teeth without the use of the typical metal braces
Night Guards or Bruxism Appliances
This type of appliance helps prevent damage to teeth caused by grinding and clenching while sleeping. Night guards are made from a durable plastic which covers the occlusal surface of the teeth. It acts like a cushion to absorb stress to the teeth caused by grinding, this can cause damage to the teeth and jaw pain over time.
Sports Guards
These types of mouth guards create a cushion around the hard and soft tissue to help reduce serious injury to the mouth. It is highly recommended for patients who are actively involved in sports.